Arte e Cultura Tempo libero

VALENTINA PEDALÀ – Il piccolo Paw e il Mondo dei Sogni

At her debut as a writer, Valentina Pedalà presents a book for children from 7 to 9 years to the public, but for sure it will be also appreciated by parents and grandparents, at least by those who still believe in dreams. The book is about the story of Virginia, a girl with a special gift: she can speak with sketches. When her grandmother gives her the sketch of the hummingbird Paw, Virginia reaches the world of dreams, that is the world where everybody would live. The book was born during a trip in Perù, in which the writer was fascinated by the hummingbird, the symbol of love. An extraordinary adventure in which the only winners are friendship and courage to fight an evil Acchiappasogni (Dream catcher) born from the mind of those who don’t believe in dreams. Valentina Pedalà is the mother of a baby boy, Riccardo, 2 years old and she has a degree in Communication and Fashion at Istituto Europeo del Design and she works in her family company in the car sale department.

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