Arte e Cultura Como In Evidenza Mostre ed Esposizioni

Mario Radice. Il pittore e gli architetti

Pinacoteca Civica di Como presents, from June, 14 to November, 24 2019, the important exhibition “Mario Radice: il pittore e gli architetti. La collaborazione con Cesare Cattaneo, Giuseppe Terragni, Ico Parisi”, by Roberta Lietti and Paolo Brambilla. The exhibition path, divided into three sections, is dedicated to the painting and plastic work of Mario Radice (Como, 1898 – 1987), one of the most complex artists of the first period of abtractism in Italy, his rich artistic activity is not limited to paintings, but it is enriched by new projectural experiences thanks to the collaboration with his architect friends, among them Giuseppe Terragni, Cesare Cattaneo and Ico Parisi. The exhibition reveals the synergic workamong Radice and the architects from Como, also thanks to the setting in which the works have a clear reference to the vintage photos, plastics, writings, preparatory drawings and studies on paper – many unpublished ones – in Pinacoteca di Como, mainly in the archive Mario Radice, to deeply analize the relationship from the project to the collaboration of the protagonists.

June 14th – Novembrer 24th, 2019
Orari da martedì a domenica ore 10 – 18

A cura di Roberta Lietti e Paolo Brambilla
Sede Pinacoteca Civica di Como, via Diaz 84 – Como

Ingresso compreso nel biglietto d’ingresso alla Pinacoteca
Tariffa intera € 4,00; Tariffa ridotta / gruppi € 2,00;
Biglietto cumulativo 3 musei € 10,00; Family pass € 10,00

Info pubblico
Tel. +39 031269869 –

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