Arte e Cultura Libri

MARIO FURLAN “Felici per sempre”

When you speak about happiness, you usually remains concentrated on the purely spiritual aspect: there is a lot of theory, but it is difficult to find practical advice on how you can change your life for good. Mario Furlan indicates the way to reach it in his last book “Felici per sempre!”, a manual that he concretely helps, with examples taken by the real life, to overcome the obstacles and the problems that we all face every day. A sincere, introspective book, which broadcasts positive energy in a direct way. Mario Furlan, university teacher of Motivation and personal growth, is the founder of Cities Angels, a volunteers’ association who take care of weak people, homeless, migrants, drug addicted, alcoholics: a true reference point for the citizens and a deterrent for the ill-intentioned. In this activity, Furlan met many people, some happy and some other sad. Starting from the concept that the external world reflects the internal world, the author explains that to change, and to improve, we have to start from ourselves. And first of all we have to accept us and to love us for what we are. With our inevitable limits and defects. This is the beginning of the way towards happiness.

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