Arte e Cultura Como In Evidenza Mostre ed Esposizioni

MARIO RADICE: Il pittore e gli architetti. La collaborazione con Cesare Cattaneo, Giuseppe Terragni, Ico Parisi

The exhibition “Mario Radice: the painter and the architects. The collaboration with Cesare Cattaneo, Giuseppe Terragni, Ico Parisi”, organized by Roberta Lietti and Paolo Brambilla, continues at Pinacoteca Civica in Como until November 24. “It is an important exhibition – says Carola Gentling, councillor of Culture for the Municipality of Como – that deepens the knowledge of a great artists of Como through the study of the synergistic relations with the most important architects of the time, also thanks to the exhibition of unpublished documents kept into the Archives of Pinacoteca di Como”. The expositive path is divided into three sections, it is dedicated to investigate the wide pictorial and plastic work of Mario Radice (Como, 1898-1987), among the most complex figures in the time of the first Italian abstractionism and planner, theorist, critic of art, curator of exhibitions and essayist, aiming at rebuilding above all what got lost in his art. His prolific activity is not limited to the pictorial production, but it is enriched with new project experiences, above all through the collaboration with his architect friends, among them Giuseppe Terragni, Cesare Cattaneo and Ico Parisi. Besides, three clubs of city service – Lions Club Como Host, of which Mario Radice and Ico Parisi were the founders in 1953 and presidents (Radice in 1962, Parisi in 1967), Lions Club Como Plinio il Giovane and Lions Club Como Lariano – support the collateral activities of the exhibition aiming at improving his accessibility for the community, particularly in favour of children, old people, disabled and blind persons. Then didactic laboratories, animated visits, “creative walks” and guided visits, up to a moment of the testimonies of the citizens collected on the Fountain of Camerlata and its building.

Fino al 24 novembre 2019
Orari da martedì a domenica ore 10 – 18

A cura di Roberta Lietti e Paolo Brambilla
Sede Pinacoteca Civica di Como
via Diaz 84 – Como

Ingresso compreso nel biglietto d’ingresso alla Pinacoteca 

Tariffa intera € 4,00;
Tariffa ridotta / gruppi € 2,00;
Biglietto cumulativo 3 musei € 10,00;
Family pass € 10,00

Info pubblico
Tel. +39 031269869

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